Sunday, September 13, 2009

Camping with the dogs!!


Well, James and I went camping over the weekend with our dogs. Besides all of the people there, the noise neighbors yelling at there kids and playing loud music and it rained our first night. As we were trying to put up the tent so after we finally got everything set up and the dogs in the the tent, I went to go see what the shop/cafe had to eat because with it raining and all of our food that we brought either needed a fire or our camp stove, and of course the shop had nothing, so I had James go into town and he brought back pizza. And of course as soon as we finished eating and ready to call it a night, it stop raining, so we decided to start a fire since we kept the fire wood in the car. And that's when we saw our neighbors and with about 5 kids and two dogs, which we didn't mind at first but then the yelling and the music and the singing and the tv and by the weekend ends there were about 4 cars there and two tents and a camper all on one site and they were all walking a riding there bikes through the sites which in turn drove our dogs crazy!! Please if you have kids, teach them not to run through other peoples camp site, it's very rude!! But besides all of that James and I had a very nice mini vaction, it was our only vaction this year! I will post some pictures, and yes most of them are of our dogs!

Monday, August 10, 2009

James Graduation

So far these are the times for the hooding/6:00pm and for the graduation/1:30pm. James and I have been talking about meeting with family and friends for dinner before the hooding, maybe meeting around 4:00/4:30 in the old market. It is very important that people are there to support James and that's why we have been letting everyone know about this for over a year before the event so that you can plan to be there! Also James and I have a cabin at Mahoney on Thursday, there are very few cabins and lodge rooms left so if you haven't please make your reservation soon! Family doesn't need to be there on Thursday but you need to be there before the hooding so that you can be there.

Here is a link of past video's of Graduation and the Hooding Ceremony(The hooding is at the bottom of the page)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


So to add to the pot of issues we have, both of our cars are having problems! Grand Am is the brakes, we have to keep adding brake fluid and then the clicker problem, which the noise will stop for away and then it will be back (like the noise you hear when your turn signal is on) and then there is something else, I think its a belt or something that needs to be replace, I can't remember what it's called (James knows). Then the with the Honda, the air conditioner doesn't work, its just room temp air blowing and then sometimes it makes a whistling sound, the locks don't work, well just doing it manual but only with the drivers side door and then the back hatch door is broken you have to jimmy a key by the handle to jar it to open. Both of the cars are drivable which is good but to fix them is probably going to be more than there worth and we can't afford two car payment or would want to have two. So hopefully we can save up enough money to fix up one of the cars and then when we get some of our bills paid after the first of the year, we can afford to buy a new, well new to us!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Okay so James is going to be done with school in about 10 months and we still don't know what to do! I personally think that we need to start applying for jobs now and James wants to wait and see what Hy-Vee is willing to offer him. The only reason for staying here is that we won't have to pay back the money to Hy-Vee but because in this area there isn't much of a need for pharmacist that might be hard to get in but we would only have to stay two years. But then if Hy-Vee can get him a job somewhere else we would just be moving there for two years, and I don't think that would be worth it. We would really like to live down by my parent, they live in Springfield, Mo, James and I will be starting a family soon and I want to be around people that will help, I can trust and count on.
Short term the best would be to stay here and save up some money, and then move after two years but that will only work if James gets a job with Hy-Vee in Omaha. Long term it would be best to move down to Springfield right away. Things will be tight, money wise, starting a family, James graduating, getting licensed and trying to sell our house in Omaha all at once but the housing market is better down there and James and I would actually be able to afford a nicer house with plenty of bedrooms, newer, and have some land, because of having to pay back so many student loans, there payment will be more than a house payment. I won't be working, if I did it would be like working full time for part time pay just to pay daycare, just for one kid, and James and I don't want someone raising our kids (no a fence to people that do send their kids to day care it's just not for us and If I have the chance to stay home I will) so it will be just James income so the housing market, cost of living and having family there has to be a factor!

I know if you are close family and friends you've already heard me talk about this many times (and are probably tried of me talking), it's just that I am really struggling with this. I've always heard that the last year is the hardest, oh I believe them now (James thinks this year is the easiest so maybe it's just me!)! I know we are almost there, its just we have been waiting for this for over five years and I am so ready for this part of our lives to be over with and to start a new chapter together.

Monday, May 25, 2009

James Interview

Well James interview that he had scheduled for Friday got rescheduled for a later date, so James and I decided to stay home and have some family time. We got alot of clean done and spent time with our dogs, we even bought a baby pool. The dogs didn't care that much for it but I am sure they will like later on in the summer months, and plus its just nice and relaxing for us to sit and have our feet in the water!

Friday, May 8, 2009

My Brother

Jason is still at UNMC and will properly have surgery this coming week they will be doing another CT on Monday to check, if he has to have surgery he could be sedated for a week to a month. I really hope that isn't what they have to do because it can be a very risky and long surgery possible eight hours.

Friday, May 1, 2009

James Interview!!!

James has his first interview set up at Walgreen's in Springfield, MO. I am so very proud of him!!! I hope he gets an offer!!! I would love to live down there!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well I don't know about James but I know I am feeling very overwhelmed and stressed, there is way to much stuff to do around the house before we sell. Plus I am just unsure what we should do, there are so much to think about!! Like when we should try to sell the house or should we just stay here, I know I don't want to raise my kids in Omaha but it might be better to stay here for a couple of years so that we have less stress when James is trying to finish school and start a family. Or do we try to sell now and try to find a house to rent, but then what rental is going to let us have 3 dogs, or do we wait until January and hopefully it sells before James has to start his new job, or if we sell right away, then where do we live until he's done with school. The main places James and I have looked at living has been here and Missouri which is good because if we stay here we don't have to move right away and my parents live in Missouri. I know I am a worry wart but that's what I do, I like to have a plan and know whats going to happen! And I hate not knowing.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Foot

For those of you that don't know, I fracture my foot in the first part February. I've had doctors appointment every month since then. I just had my April doctors appointment today and of course it's still broken, my doctor said there was no change in the x-ray from last month to today but he said short distance without crutches would be okay and I still have to use my walking boot. I asked about surgery and he said unless I am in terrible pain, he didn't think it is necessary. Plus he said it's no guarantee that surgery would fix it, he said it will probably be another 3 to 4 months. It's still hard to get around but its getting easier! My next doctors appointment is May 6th so hopefully things with be better!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our House: We painted every room in the house when we moved in!

Our Bedroom
Our Kitchen, James did all of the work!

Our Living room
Jordan and Jackson

Jackson and Jordan.

Our little girl, Betsy.
James with Jackson and Jordan.
James and I with our baby Jackson. Our first baby!