Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well I don't know about James but I know I am feeling very overwhelmed and stressed, there is way to much stuff to do around the house before we sell. Plus I am just unsure what we should do, there are so much to think about!! Like when we should try to sell the house or should we just stay here, I know I don't want to raise my kids in Omaha but it might be better to stay here for a couple of years so that we have less stress when James is trying to finish school and start a family. Or do we try to sell now and try to find a house to rent, but then what rental is going to let us have 3 dogs, or do we wait until January and hopefully it sells before James has to start his new job, or if we sell right away, then where do we live until he's done with school. The main places James and I have looked at living has been here and Missouri which is good because if we stay here we don't have to move right away and my parents live in Missouri. I know I am a worry wart but that's what I do, I like to have a plan and know whats going to happen! And I hate not knowing.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, you are like I am. I haveto have a plan. I hate not knowing. But I think it is inevatable that we wont have a plan for a few more months. I know if James is anything like Will, he should be stressed good right now, especiall since they are taking the practice NAPLEX tomorrow morning, and haveto pass it to move on. So Im sure right now is a very stressed out time for both of you. All I can say is pray, and keep going. Its just a little further, and then things get so much better for everyone. I hope your brother is doing better. I know we have been sort of distant, ist been crazy stressful at our place too. Keep going sister, its only a couple more weeks and then a lot of the pressure is off.
